- 改編自經典人物「愛登士家庭」,一貫黑色幽默,爆笑連場
- 趣怪造型加上連場歌舞精彩熱鬧,六星級視聽娛樂,保證目不暇給
- 演出曾巡迴至全北美、巴西及澳洲,大受歡迎
- 強勁星級創作班底,獲多項舞台劇獎提名及獎項
全球最令人心驚驚又笑到震既怪誕家族愛登士,一家怪人已經準備好連場搞鬼歌舞,陪你玩足一晚:殘忍又天真的爸爸高魔子、美艷媽媽魔帝女、冷漠公主星期三、受虐狂弟弟普斯利、傻大舊肥斯特舅舅、神婆奶奶、木獨管家……如此經典的鬼怪家族人物,舞台上繼續一貫的黑色驚嚇爆笑之餘更不失溫馨,怪雞一家親,看得人人百分百窩心。怪誕溝正常 甜酸大兜亂
強勢班底 打造經典
《 愛登士家庭》經典漫畫人物自1938年首度登場以來,人氣一直全球高企,反傳統的古怪角色造型,鬼怪家人關係瘋狂又親密,數十年來透過大小銀幕征服了好幾代觀眾。是次百老匯音樂劇版本於2010 年全新上演,怪誕陰深更加空前來襲,兼且喜劇感澎湃,背後星級創作班底,集結東尼獎最佳音樂劇至強組合,超高水準製作更獲多個音樂劇獎項提名。音樂劇在百老匯嬴得無數掌聲笑聲,今次首度蒞臨亞洲巡迴演出,進駐澳門為觀眾帶來一次有笑有淚有歌有舞有親情有愛情的精彩一夜。
A comedy to die for
Nothing like a great Broadway hit for an exciting Summer! Even more so, when that happens with the visit of the most famous and scary bunch of characters of all time. The Addams Family is coming to town for a magnificently macabre and humorous musical that will leave everyone truly ecstatic!
Set at the Addams mansion, which is as iconic as the family itself, this hilarious story has been described as “every father’s nightmare”. It tells us about the time when Wednesday Addams, the ultimate princess of darkness, falls in love with a smart young man from a respectable, ‘normal’ family, and asks her father to keep it a secret from her mother. Things will take a sharp turn when the boyfriend’s
parents are invited for dinner.
Bizarre and devilish, this time the Addams family comes to life through the hands of a Tony Award-winning team. So be afraid, be very afraid… but also very amused with the adventures of the Addams clan, as funny as they can get.
The first chords and finger snapping will immediately bring back a sound score that has been in our collective memory since many decades. Originally created for a 1964 cartoon series and later brought to the screens, this play reunites us with the likes of Morticia, Fester and Gomez, characters who became even more familiar and popular worldwide when a film was released in the 1990s. Once we have entered the Addams’ strange but beautiful world we will not want to leave until the chain of comedy situations persists. A chilling visit you will love to be a part of!
CCM Friends
•CCM Friends are entitled to a 10% discount.
•Early Bird: During the first 28 days of ticket sales, members can enjoy 20% early bird discount.
•From 5/5 - 1/6/2013,CCM Friends are entitled to 20% discount for all 2thereafter. From 2/6/2013,CCM Friends are entitled to 10% discount. If you book the tickets online, please use your CCM Card Number to login so that you could enjoy the discounts.
Students / Seniors *
•Children aged 12 or below, Macao full-time students and senior citizens aged 65 or above enjoy a 50% discount.(Designated area and limited seats. Proof of identity to be shown upon admission.)
The Addams Family package
Each purchase of 4 same-priced tickets of the same performance enjoy 20% discount. (Package open to all prices. Enjoy the Addams together!)
Credit Card
Early Bird: During 05/0 -01/06/2013, BOC Credit Card and Tri-Currency Debit Card cardholders as well as Tai Fung Bank Credit Card cardholders enjoy 15% ticket discount.
From 2/6/2013, BOC Credit Card and Tri-Currency Debit Card cardholders as well as Tai Fung Bank Credit Card cardholders enjoy 10% ticket discount.
Other Information
Performing Group: Phoenix Entertainment & Broadway Asia Company
Duration: 155 min (One 20 minutes intermission)
*Chinese and English Subtitle
*Suitable for aged 6 or above
*Each ticket for one person's admission only
Organizer: Macao Cultural Centre