為與市民及旅客共迎國慶佳節,澳娛綜合攜手澳門本地藝術家呈獻大型燈藝展,在澳門上葡京綜合度假村及新葡京酒店展出由六位資深藝術家和八位青年藝術家共同創作的九件極具巧思的花燈藝術裝置,透過傳統藝術邂逅現代創意弘揚中華文化。燈藝展期間設有AR 互動遊戲,公眾只需掃描現場特定二維碼即可解鎖遊戲。此外,活動亦設有花燈製作工作坊,以及導賞活動為大家介紹花燈作品。
「迎國慶造型燈籠 」工作坊
票價:MOP150(包含材料費用,需致電 (853) 8881 0711或親臨上葡京禮品廊預約,適合13歲或以上人士參與,4至12歲兒童可在成人陪同下參加)
時間:10月1日至31日下午6時及晚上 8時(粵語)
上葡京綠茵勝境花園 :下午 5時至晚上10時
網站:sjmresorts.com / grandlisboapalace.com / grandlisboahotels.com / masmacau.com / macauyouthart.com
臉書:SJM Resorts 澳娛綜合 / Grand Lisboa Palace Macau 澳門上葡京 / Grand Lisboa Hotel 澳門新葡京酒店 / 澳門美術協會 Macau Artist Society / Macau Youth Art Association澳門青年美術協會
微信官方帳號:澳娛綜合 / 澳門上葡京綜合度假村 / 新葡京酒店
Instagram:grandlisboapalace /Grandlisboahotel /macauartist / macau_youth_art
電話:(853) 8881 8888 / 2828 3838 / 2853 2857
電郵:info@grandlisboapalace.com / reservation@grandlisboa.com / mas28532857@gmail.com / macauyouthart@gmail.com
To celebrate National Day with residents and visitors, SJM Resorts, S.A. joins hands with local artists to present a large-scale artistic lantern exhibition at Grand Lisboa Palace Resort Macau and Grand Lisboa Hotel, featuring nine innovative iconic lantern installations co-created by six local grandmasters and eight local young artists, promoting Chinese culture through traditional art that meets modern creativity. AR interactive games are available on-site where visitors can unlock the games by scanning the QR code. There are also lantern-making workshops and lantern exhibition guided tours for the public to join and enjoy.
Chinese National Day Lantern Making Workshop
Time: 1st Oct, 3:00pm (90 minutes per session)
Venue: 1/F, The Bazar, Grand Lisboa Palace
Admission: MOP150 (Including material fee. Registration via telephone call (853) 8881 0711 or visiting the Gift Shop on-site. Suitable for individuals aged 13 or above, children aged 4 to 12 should be accompanied by a participating adult)
Lantern guided tour
Time: 1st to 31st Oct, 6:00pm & 8:00pm in (Cantonese)
Venue: Jardim Secreto (Gathering at the Lobby, 3/F, West Wing, Grand Lisboa Palace)
Admission: Free participation (Registration on-site)
Celebration of Art & Culture - Artistic Lantern Festival
Venue & Time:
Grand Lisboa Hotel Lobby: All day
West Wing, Grand Lisboa Palace: All day
Jardim Secreto, Grand Lisboa Palace: 5:00pm to 10:00pm
Admission: Free admission
Website: sjmresorts.com /grandlisboapalace.com / grandlisboahotels.com / masmacau.com/ macauyouthart.com
Facebook: SJM Resorts / Grand Lisboa Palace Macau / Grand Lisboa Hotel / Macau Artist Society / Macau Youth Art Association
Instagram: grandlisboapalace / grandlisboahotel / macauartist / macau_youth_art
Enquiries: (853) 8881 8888, 2828 3838, 2853 2857
Email: info@grandlisboapalace.com / reservation@grandlisboa.com / mas28532857@gmail.com / macauyouthart@gmail.com
Organiser: SJM Resorts, S.A., Macau Artist Society