《落在》梁慕貞 x 梁慕潔版畫展

Jan 29th - Mar 31st

《落在》梁慕貞 x 梁慕潔版畫展


Jan, 29, 2020 - Mar, 31, 2020


澳門氹仔木鐸街10 號


星期一至星期日, 12 pm - 8 pm


+853 2857 6118

氹仔城區文化協會獨家呈獻首個版畫展《落在》, 是次展覽由兩位生於澳門、現定居加拿大的姊妹組合梁慕貞及梁慕潔攜手構思及製作。

作為氹仔舊城區藝術空間於2020年的首個展覽,《落在》透過舊式版畫技術的抽象作品,以形上學的主題,探討作者經驗中的過去、現在和將來之關係。是次展覽的作品呈現不同的線性形態和質感, 不但是作者對個人情感的描寫,也是她們對心靈深處之觀察和表達。

「 藝術能讓我們尋回真我。」




梁慕貞, 梁慕潔


梁慕貞出生於澳門, 現居於加拿大哥倫比亞省, 取得加拿大愛美利加藝術設計大學視覺藝術系學士學位。她以其作品的創作過程為找尋自我和成長的路程。近年她的作品大多反映人們在不斷改變的文化和急速發展的社會條件下的心理狀態, 試圖揭視她個人與大自然環境及她身處之社會狀況的關係。 她的作品在加拿大、北美洲、 歐洲及亞洲不同國家展出。 她的合作作品代表澳門在意大利第五十三屆威尼斯國際雙年展中展出。


梁慕潔出生於澳門,一九九五年移居加拿大, 二零零一年獲多倫多約克大學藝術碩士學位,是一個多媒體藝術家。作品包括版畫、裝置、錄像及攝影等。她的作品探討空間的定義、記憶、及人類跟大自然的關係。現任教於加拿大昆特籣大學。作品分别在北美洲、歐洲及亞洲不同國家展出, 她的合作作品代表澳門在意大利第五十三屆國際威尼斯雙年展中展出。

曾舉辦個人展覽包括:2015年 澳門藝術博物館廚窗之 “記憶的保存”, 2012年在加拿大溫哥華昆特蘭大學畫廊及2013年在澳門牛房倉庫舉行的 “Organic”, 及2001年加拿大多倫多約克大學畫廊的 “回到…” 多媒體個展,此外亦曾參與多個聯展,包括:2011年澳門牛房倉庫之“身體隱喻 — 亞洲當代藝術展” 及2008年澳門藝術博物館之 “超以像外──中國抽象繪畫展” 及獲抽象繪畫傑出獎。2009年,她曾代表澳門參與第53屆威尼斯國際雙年展。2013年澳門牛房倉庫及2011年Can Serrat 西班牙之駐場藝術家。


Bonnie 和 Kitty 是兩姊妹,儘管她們有各自的藝術發展,但她們多次以二人組合的形式展示自己的作品。她們獨特的合作之所以成功,似乎取決於兩個內在方面:每個展覽中均展出作品的連貫性,就像是同一人製作一樣,以及她們清晰表現出如何運用女性的敏銳觸角探索她們定下的主題。


João Ó

Fallen – Printmaking by Bonnie Leong and Kitty Leung


Jan, 29, 2020 - Mar, 31, 2020


No 10 Rua dos Clerigos, Taipa

Opening Hours

Mon - Sun, 12 pm - 8 pm


+853 2857 6118

Taipa Village Cultural Association exclusively presents the first unique printmaking exhibition entitled “Fallen”, jointly presented by two Macau-born, Canada-based sisters Bonnie Leong and Kitty Leung who always present their work as a duo.

As the first show at Taipa Village Art Space in 2020, the artists exhibit a set of abstract works based on a metaphysical subject using the ancient technique of printmaking, with an aim to explore the past, present and future relationships in their experience. The different linear forms and textures of this work are not only the artists’ description of personal emotions, but also their observation and expression of the depths of the soul.

 “Art enables us to find ourselves.”

Creative Rationale

In life, although everyone walks their own different paths, they often always exist in various self-created spaces and times. Whether our current situation can be truly in the current state, or just staying in the lost memories, or the unknown future. The authors use this work to explore the past, present and future relationships in their experience.

We are easily entangled in psychological time, unconsciously staying in a particular imaginary space and not being free. It seems to be tied up and tied. Or it falls on the break and dispersion that floats on reality. The freedom at the moment can bring us a sense of sensitivity to meticulous emotions. This cognition allows us to understand the deep self and gives us the autonomy to choose to enter and leave different time spaces. The different linear forms and textures of this work are not only the authors’ description of personal emotions, but also their observation and expression of the depths of the soul.

.Bonnie & Kitty

 About Bonnie Leong

Bonnie Leong is an artist born in Macau and now based in BC Canada. Leong received her Bachelor of Visual Arts from Emily Carr University of Art and Design. Leong considers her art process a self-searching and growing journey through the years. Recently, her art practice has become more reflective of the present and how the rapid change of the cultural and social environment is affecting the individual’s psychological state. Within her work, she uncovers her relationship both in the nature and the society that surrounds her. She has exhibited nationally and internationally in Canada, North America, Europe, and Asia. Her collaborative project represented Macau at the 53rd Venice Biennale in Italy

About Kitty Leung

Kitty Leung was born in Macau. She immigrated to Canada and got her Bachelor of Fine Arts from Emily Carr University of Arts and Design in 1999 and her Master of Fine Arts from York University in 2001. She is an interdisciplinary artist working in print media, installation, video, drawing and photo-based projects.  Her work explores the ideas of space, memory, narrative, and the relationship between man and nature.  Her collaborative works were shown at the 53rd Venice Biennale in Italy.  She is currently teaching at Kwantlen Polytechnic University in Canada.

Curator’s Statement 

Bonnie and Kitty are sisters and, although they have their individual artistic careers, many times they present their work as a duo. The success of their unique collaboration seems to rest on two intrinsic aspects: the coherence of works displayed in each show, as if it was produced by one sole person, and the clear manifestation of female sensitivity to address the theme they set to explore.

For their first show at Taipa Village Art Space entitled Fallen, they have chosen to exhibit a set of abstract works based on a metaphysical subject using the ancient technique of printmaking. The contradiction between theme and medium couldn’t be greater. However, it was exactly by this necessity to translate and construe the existential awareness onto paper that the invisible, immaterial, fleeting, yet palpable, inner world could become visible, unraveled, materialized, recognizable and permanent for appreciation. In truth, this deeper knowledge is rooted in each one of us, like an infrasound that has always been there; a “vibrating string” that changes shape every time it’s captured and only reveals itself if one pays close attention to it.

João Ó

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